The Wise Old Owl sat in an oak,
The more he saw, the less he spoke,
The less he spoke, the more he heard,
Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?
After doing a little googling, I found that it was also used during World War Two (above) to discourage soldiers from divulging state secrets (along the lines of 'loose lips sink ships' and all that).
Do you remember any rhymes or stories like this from your childhood?
I'm having trouble remembering my childhood, Feronia!!
Yeah, I know a nice rhyme we were singing while playing a game of hand-clapping in the primary school:
Johnny, komm, wir fressen eine Leiche,
Johnny, komm, wir gehn ins Leichenhaus,
eine Leiche wird schon reichen
Und schmecken tut sie auch...
Ja,ja,ja, hörst du, hörst du, hörst du wie sie klagen
ob sie, ob sie die Leiche wohl vertragen?
Ohne Messer
Ohne Gabel
Ohne Essbesteck!
What a nice Rhyme - and it applies not only to soldiers. We more and more lack of people who can listen more and talk less.
@Bodeccea: Wow, You had real cool rhymes in your childhood. Wish I knew this one when I was a kid. That wold have been fun.
@ Wurst Semmel
It is taking on a distant, dream-like quality for me too! Good to hear from you! How's your thesis going?
@ Bodecea
Eeeeek! You're freaking me out!! What scary little kids you were :)
@ Diana
It has a good message, doesn't it.
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