Winter has hit us early this year. The predicted temperature for today is 13, but I think it would be struggling to even reach double figures. Pouring rain, hail, wind and even some snow in the hills. I am wearing two jumpers and it's only May! What does winter proper hold, I wonder...
It is however lovely weather to knit and to think about knitting. I found a beautiful cache of vintage knitting pattern books in an op-shop yesterday - some even back to World War Two, with mention of wool being requistioned by the Defence Department - and so once I get a firmer grasp on a few more stitches, I can see a vintage cardigan on the needles...
It is also great weather for comfort food. Last night's dinner was chicken cooked in apricot nectar with rice and steamed pak choy sprinkled with parmesen cheese. Mmmmm...
Slightly surreal to think we will soon be in Singapore and 32 degrees!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Little Miss Update

Apologies once again for the silence in the Yellow Wood. On top of the computer woes and the book editing conundrums, we are preparing for our big trip North (way North) and it has proved to be very, very time consuming indeed. Not that I can complain about being absorbed by the details of holiday-making! We are both looking forward to it and really in need of a break.
It's Roger Hargreaves birthday today - yes, he of the Mr Men. Did you read them as a child? Messers Messy, Bump, Small and Tickle were my favourites. Who were yours?
I have really been enjoying knitting of late, especially now that the winter is very firmly setting in (even though it is only mid-May). I think we are struggling up to about 13 degrees today. Our house in double-brick too, which makes things extra chilly. But it does make working with wool extra fun. I have AT LAST taught myself an easy way to cast-on as well as how to purl stitch, basket stitch and moss stitch (well, sort of, on that last one). Now I think I am even ready for a...project. Distel Fliege kindly suggested a shawl which looks lovely and which I will absolutely try but does any one else have any thoughts on a beginner's knitting project? My main problem at the moment is that I am not allowed to take knitting needles on the plane :(
For on-the-plane-easily-distracting books, I am taking Ian Rankin (yay Rebus!) and Charlaine Harris (yay Sookie!). I am not a good flyer so anything that requires a lot of concentration is a waste of time. Any other suggestions?
As you may know, I have a couple of shops over at Etsy but I am not exactly about to retire on my earnings from them. What do you think is a good way to sell vintage goods (clothes, knick-knacks etc.)? This has been consuming a fair bit of thought for me lately...
And finally, I am tired of negativity! On Facebook recently (I know, I know, I've been sucked into it too), someone opined that they hated the royal family. I really try to avoid using the word 'hate'. It is such a strong expression of negative emotion, and often pointlessly so. I was amused to see someone replied that they "hated haters". I come from a long line of judgemental people, so I try to leave this sort of negativity out of the equation if I can. Ok, off soap-box now. What do you think?
Monday, May 2, 2011
On Being Human

Sorry for having been a little silent here in the Woods of late. I have been trying to get my thesis off to the publishers (still) by the requested deadline and we have also been in the throes of planning a fairly big holiday so there's been all manner of little detaily things to do! Added to all that, my computer died.
Did you watch the Royal Wedding? There are of course plenty of naysayers out there but I for one enjoyed it, being a bit of lover of pomp and circumstance, but also simply being glad to see people happy! Goodness knows we see enough in the news about human misery - why not a bit of human joy now and then? Every time a royal event comes up, we argue about the republican issue here in Australia, but taking the wedding on face value, I saw it as a pretty warm and heartfelt affair really, and Kate and William do appear to be a bit more compatible than WIlliam's parents did at their wedding all those years ago. But who knows? We can't of course have any real idea of this - and, indeed, why should we, it's none of our business - and I do seem to recall everyone talking about "the stuff of fairytales" back in 1981. All we can say at this point is, I guess, best of luck!
I have been so enjoying the third season of Being Human - I've loved it from the start - and so I was pleased to find this little snippet of the show's sweetly melancholy theme tune.
I have been so enjoying the third season of Being Human - I've loved it from the start - and so I was pleased to find this little snippet of the show's sweetly melancholy theme tune.
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