So, I display before you some of the loot of my haul. Gorgeous 'fat quarters' of Japanese material and also some vintage-style material that I bought at the craft fair; lovely little 'things' (for want of a more technical term) to make jewellery with and some art deco-style buttons and two little hearts which I have since made with the material for my parents' wedding anniversary on Thursday (40 years!)
Then, of course, there is a gorgeous project I just had to share with you. I found a Jackie annual from 1979 while thrifting yesterday and this just leapt out at me. The egg-and-bacon hat and matching bag. Just let me know if you'd like to make them, and I'll send you the pattern...
I'm sure that my fingers can never achieve those. HAHAHA!
I wonder if anyone made the egg-and-bacon hat??
Oh, Jackie! Oh my. I hadn't thought about Jackie in years. Did you grow up overseas as I did or did it exist here too?
You certainly have the power to awaken a few long asleep neurons!
No, we had Jackie here. I remember I got a great poster of the Nolan Sisters out of Jackie and it went on my bedroom wall...
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