Yummy doings from a fairly chilly weekend. Plain cake with tinned plums on top and soda bread. Both pictured here straight from the oven. Soda bread is
very good with cream cheese and avocado on top! It's just like a giant scone, really.

The Polish restaurant on Saturday night was excellent too - potato blintzes, pierogi (Polish dumplings) and goulash, with hawthorn berry vodka to wash it down. Oh my.
What's been emerging from your kitchen lately?
I feel sure i would like potato blintzes, i love potato done anyway, i must look them up. I just made tabbuleh and tzaiki to help clear a cucumber glut that were having with home made turkish bread, the smell from the oven is soooo good x
Oooh, yummy! *Love* nibblies like that x
I didn't make anything fancy lately, but I'm trying to brew mead. ^^
How is your novel?
I eat stinging nettle and bear garlic almost every day in several forms.
@ Sefarina -
I'd love to make mead. Is it hard to do?
The novel is progressing...but I am feeling a bit stuck at the moment. I write individual scenes but I am struggling to connect them.
@ Bodecea -
Yes, I read on your blog about some of the yummy things you've been making :)
Not at all. You might need some items and a special yeast to easier start and watch the fermentation, but it's pretty much going by itself. The german wikipedia site has some great advice, too.
Are you absolutely sure about which part of the novel the scenes belong to? Look at your protagonists reaction.
Do you have an outline yet?
Go on, you can do it!
Thanks Sefarina - I should give it a go, because my husband has made beer quite successfully in the past.
I do have an outline but I am really struggling to write the 'connecting' narrative as well (or as satisfactorily) as the 'stand out' scenes. Hmmmm!
By the way, Sefarina, I am having difficulty leaving comments on your blog - either my computer or Blogger is being very weird :(
I guess it's Blogger once again. No clue why or what to do about it. Thanks for telling me :-)
I'm working on it! It's weird - it happens at some blogs but not at others.
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