Monday, April 12, 2010


The days have gradually been getting cooler and the nights closing in sooner here. Over the weekend, our record of every day being over 20 degrees celsius since December 8th was broken yesterday with a very chilly 18. Don't scoff! The wind was truly very brisk, it actually rained (not just drizzle) and when you are used to a mild 23 or 24, it was cold. And so, jumpers and thick socks are emerging from the cupboards to washed and freshened up after months in moth balls and blankets and rugs are being aired. My sinuses start to twitch uncomfortably as soon as the weather gets cooler but I am nonetheless a fan of autumn and even of winter. I guess this is possible when we don't have quite the extreme temperatures of the North. It's good to see old favourites like the rug above, to close the curtains cosily against the dark world at night and to have a good excuse to stay indoors to knit or read. What's the weather like in your part of the world at the moment?


Diana Kennedy said...

Boy, I wish we actually HAD 18 degrees. Would be a paradise of Spring.
But I understand that when you are used on 24 and more, this is chilly. I like Autumn and winter for the same reason, for I also need that time of indoor with all the joys attached. But when January has passed I long for spring.

You are just entering the dark season so you wecome it like I would welcome it if we ha September or October.

Highest temperature today here is 9 degrees. An icy wind destroys all feelings of spring and hold back the growth. Not happy.

How cold are the winters where you live, I mean how much can the temperatures go down?

Pina said...

April weather - today rainy, 7 degrees C. Snow is promised to fall above 600 m.

Feronia said...

I shouldn't complain about cold weather! In the depths of winter (July), it probably gets down to about 8 or 10 during the day and 3 or 4 at night. In the alpine regions it of course gets much colder. Maybe -5.

Bodecea said...

At the Moment - its' 10 degree and cloudy. At Lake Garda, we hat up to 22 degree...

But trees are blossoming, and I collect and eat a bag full of wild herbs every day to make my body fitter. And it's yummy, a bit like spinach. Stinging nettle, dandelion, gout weed, plantain and many more...
