I went to a new yoga class today. This is the fourth that I have attended in the last fifteen years - that is, classes at four different schools of yoga. The first was great and I finished the course there but then didn't keep up the practice. The second was too big a class, pitched at too high a level for me. I got lost in the first class and didn't go back. The third was promising to start with but when I told the teacher about recurrent back pain I wanted to be mindful of when doing yoga, she told me 'to just work through it'. No. I don't think so. But this morning was really lovely. Slow, with every move explained, and everyone encouraged to go at their own pace and stop if it hurt. I really felt like I got a good, gentle workout, which I feel I am in dire need of at present since I seem to have just a few too many aches and pains for someone only in their (gulp) mid-thirties. As well as this though, some of the philosophy of yoga was also covered during meditation. Too often, I think, yoga is presented as just another form of exercise, without the mental aspect being covered too. So, hopefully, this is the beginning of an exercise plan I will stick to, as well as some much-needed nourishment for the soul.
Does anyone else do yoga?
Hi Feronia,
as you know, we do Tai Chi (with much meditation, Qi Gong-elements and stretching, too). Our teacher has not so much a "sportive" but more a spiritual approach, and I like it.
I try sometimes a bit Yoga with a book, but I can't keep on exercising without a course or other regular external motivation.
Hi Bodecea,
Yes, I think going to a regular class will motivate me. I have a couple of yoga DVDs at home but never watch them!
Feronia :)
Ello dearie!
Stealing time to drop by your place in the midst of some serious mess. =P
Yoga, SOUNDS fantastically healing to me! I've never done yoga but it really appeals to me, wonder why I've never attempted it.
Been doing ballet for years, nothing near professional though. Maybe it's time for yoga! =D
Hello Stardust! How's the house move going? Do you know if yoga is popular in Japan?
Not yoga although it would do me good. Have done some tai chi and now do more mindfulness meditation.
Mindfulness. That's something I would like to know a lot more about. Do you have any book recommendations on it, Health Psych?
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