Friday, February 26, 2010
I need a cat

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
A telescope with a mouse in it
They're screening The Young Ones here again. I haven't seen it since it was originally on tv in the 80s. I was a teenager then and loved it - so weird and cool - everyone was into it. So my DH and I wondered last night, would we still find it funny now that we're looking down the barrel of 40? The answer is yes and no. It was strange at times - very staged - almost like a play with the actors seemingly very conscious of what I assume was a live audience. So, in that way, it had aged quite badly. And slapstick comedy is definitely for the teenage market only. But the utterly surreal bits were great - I possibly enjoyed them more now than when I was 14 and needed things to be very clear and grounded in reality. And it is a lovely time capsule of the 80s - Rick with his overalls, skinny ties and badges; Neil and Vvyan as cultural refugees from the 70s and Mike...well, I never really understood Mike and that hasn't changed. Anyway, I had to include this clip which I found funny then and still find funny now. Oh, the social angst of parties...though it was never quite this bad!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Night Sky
Now I realise my painting (above) is no great work of art but I gave it a go yesterday. Inspired by the lovely picture by Seamera at http://magischesbasteln.twoday.net/ (her own blog can be found at http://www.silberfischsonate.de/), I stocked up on some painting stuff while shopping on Sunday and tried my hand at it last night. And I really enjoyed it! I have tried painting before (post-school) and I've always lost patience with myself - I could never get it 'right' and so just gave up. But yesterday, I took my time, didn't expect to suddenly be struck by artistic genius and just enjoyed doing it and I think that's reflected in a result that I'm reasonably satisfied with.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Food nostalgia

Friday, February 19, 2010
Ready to Launch
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Excusez-moi but I am an artiste
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
So wonderfully, wonderfully, wonderfully pretty

Sunday, February 14, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
The Perfect Storm

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Corners of the house
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Six degrees of Press Gang
Do you do this? I have a habit of associating essentially disassociated things in my mind. Take these two for example. Press Gang, a brilliant series for 'youth' from the last 80s starring a young Julia Sawalha and Dexter Fletcher (amongst others) and British band the Sundays, also from the last 80s/early 90s. That's where the story ends - both were about at the same time. But in my mind they're all rolled up into one, each acting as a soundtrack and background for the other, along with big earrings, curly bobs, oversized jumpers and t-shirts and too-big bows.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
We're having a heatwave
Hot, hot, hot here at the moment. Or, should I say, mostly humid. February is often the hottest month so I shouldn't be surprised having lived through 36 of them. It's just that, as I've mentioned before, I'm not what you'd call a summer person. Each day of late has been much the same - throw open the windows and doors in the morning in the hope of some air swishing through the house and then close everything up again at about lunchtime as the scales tip in favour of the sun and the house starts to heat up once again. Our house does stay quite cool for at least the first few days of a heatwave it must be said, being made of double brick. It is only when the bricks themselves heat up that things start to get truly sticky. What I've noticed with this sort of weather - and perhaps this is just me - is that you wake up each morning feeling sort of chewed over, for want of a more eloquent phrase. It could be more because of my ongoing back issues but that, with the heat as well, means I am not really sleeping, so morning comes, and I don't really feel that there's been any significant break from the previous day at all. Oh well! On a more positive note, summer (like the extremes of winter, I guess) reminds us of our relative position in the universe. We really are still very much dependent upon the weather, the seasons and nature as a whole. And that's a good thing to keep in mind.
I thought of taking some photos for this blog - clear blue skies, blanched white sunlight - but then I realised that what I really needed to do was to record the sounds of summer - the buzzing mosquitos, chirping parrots, trilling crickets and gathering winds of an approaching storm. And I don't know how to do that. So, I say let the Muppets speak for me instead. We're having a heatwave!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Play misty for me
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Thankyou Thursday

Two lovely cyberfriends of mine have sent some awards my way! How very nice. First up, dear Dilly at Dilly's Castle (http://gweenwagons.blogspot.com/) has awarded me the Superior Scribblers award - thank you Dilly! - and then her sweet brother Bob over at Bob T. Bear (esq.)'s Diary (http://bobs-diary.blogspot.com/) has awarded the Sweet Friends award to all of his regular blogging friends because he couldn't pick out just one recipient. Thanks Bob! Of course I don't blog to receive accolades - truly, it's just a lot of fun - but it does give me a good case of the warm-and-fuzzies to receive nice awards from these two friends of mine.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Sit. Stay.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Down amongst the long grass

Unlike Tinkerbell, faeries are not always all sweetness-and-light. Sometimes they can be mischevious, sometimes malevolent - as with all entities and energies around us. So, in order to harness some good Fae energy around our little abode, I have installed some wind chimes in our backyard as well as threading a long string of multi-coloured beads which glistens and glitters in the sun (apparently faeries are attracted to the bright and shiny). Our backyard is apparently one which is likely to attract a faerie or two - longish grass in parts (good hiding spots) and not clipped and primped and preened within an inch of its life...others would perhaps call it a mess!
Do you believe in faeries or do you think this is a load of old nonsense? For me, the jury is still out, but either way, I figure the gentle, melodic chiming, the rustle of long grass and the bright glistening of a string of beads is bound to attract some good energy, from somewhere, and spread just a little bit of magic.