Monday, March 29, 2010
Projekt52 - Relatives
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Knitting, Nalbinding and the Art of Hygge

Also, I may just try my hand at Nalbinding, a one-needle style of knitting originally practiced by the Vikings. I only discovered it last night. Does anyone else know anything about it? It seems to produce a lovely chunky stitch. Looking at it, it comes as no surprise to me that the Danes have the word 'Hygge' to describe the process of gaining warmth and comfort and solace at home during the winter months (see for more on 'Hygge').
Monday, March 22, 2010
The Pre-Raphaelites

Friday, March 19, 2010
Just the sound of determined crunching...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

In honour of Autumn Equinox (or Mabon) which comes to us in the Southern Hemisphere this weekend, I am trying to cook with that evocative fruit, the pomegranate, this week. Last night, we had a lovely salad comprised of -
Mixed salad greens
Green peas
Mint leaves
Sliced cucumber
Pomegranate seeds
Quantaties are whatever you choose. I used about half a bag of salad greens, a cup of peas, 1 cucumber and 1 pomegranate. Beautiful. The lovely coolness of the mixed lettuce, the green veggies and the mint, combined with the tang of the feta and the pomegranate.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Being peaceful
As I play hide-and-seek with my black dog, I find myself subdued this week and needing to be quiet, calm and slow. The beautiful, mystical music of Faun matches the mood perfectly, especially the snowy forest landscapes of this clip, "Egil Saga".
Enjoy and be at peace :)
Monday, March 15, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
To Infinity and Beyond!
My DH and I have spent the last couple of nights stargazing. The weather has been cool overnight and so the sky is clear and the stars bright. Above is the Southern Cross which we saw last night; we also saw Lupus Lupi (the wolf) and Corvus Corvi (the crow). Special stars especially for me to see. But the big thrill of the night was seeing Saturn through the telescope - and even its rings. Truly mind-blowing. So very far away and yet we are lucky enough to stand in our backyard and see it. Truly there is such majesty in the night's sky - the inky, infinite blackness and that great expanse of glimmering white.
When I was little, we had a set of old encyclopedias at home from the 1930s. In them was a drawing showing how far it was and how long it would take to get to the Moon on an express train (with peculiarly specific parameters like 'if it left from Victoria Station'). To consider ploughing vertically through the blackness for six months on a train was too much for my small brain. I would always have to shut the book and come back to it later. The whole subject just overhwhelmed me!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
A Passion for Pears
PS Apologies for the quality of the photo - my camera is slowly dying...!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
A week of happiness

Thursday, March 4, 2010
We got a new couch in December. The old striped 70s beast finally had to go (actually it's currently sitting under the carport beneath a tarpaulin). Now I like the new couch. I do. It's comfortable (it's been great with my back) and it'll go with anything. Because it's biscuit coloured. In the shop, it looked different. Really it did. Richer in colour. The catalogue described it as 'royal fudge'. It's more like vanilla fudge, I reckon. But no matter. And as my DH said at the time, "Well, that couch'll do us for at least ten years." So I've injected some colour with these very cute Indian cotton cushions and a crocheted rug. Bit more cheerful. Bit less doctor's waiting room!