Thursday, May 24, 2012

I Heart Waechtersbach

You know how when you go to the op shop and you're thinking to yourself 'I'm going to look for a...' Well, of course, you won't find it. Op shops present to you what they want you to find, not the other way around. So today I was thinking 'I would really like a pair of warm, tweedy, nubby pants for winter'. Nothing. Not even something that I could make do with. Oh well I thought, dejected, I'll have a look around anyway. And then I found four of these super-sweet bowls (see one above). They're made by a German Pottery, Waechtersbach, and although they are a little the worse for wear, I love them. I've just checked Etsy and there's a ton of really cute Waechtersbach vintage. Just when I thought Hornsea was my collectable! My husband will be so pleased that I've found something else to fill the cupboards up with...


DILLY said...

Mweah. Be nice.
Hornsea be nice too!

Mummy clekt Chessell pottery.
Hav chessell wagons.

Feronia said...

Oooh...don't know Chessell. Will have to look it up. Thanks Dilly :)